Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How May I Pray For You??

Hello All!
      I wanted to share with y'all a very awesome experience that happened at work this past Monday.
Four girls around my age walked into Applebees and sat in my section. They were polite, cheerful, and eager to carry on a conversation with me. When I brought their food out, one of the girls said to me "We're going to pray for this food. Is there anything we can pray about for you?" I was so taken aback it took me a few seconds to think of something. I asked them to pray for my upcoming school semester, and then I asked if I could pray with them. They agreed enthusiastically, and there, in booth 52, at Applebees in Little Elm, TX, five girls had joined hands and were praying for each other and thanking God for the blessings He has bestowed.

     From my point of view as a server, knowing that someone took time out of their evening to ask if there was anything I needed prayer for was sweet and proved that there are still people out there who genuinely care for others. Now, from my point of view as a Christian, my heart was overflowing! It made my heart happy to know that there are young Christians out there who are not afraid to let people know what and who they believe in by praying in public and for a complete stranger. I have to admit though, mixed with my feelings of joy, I also felt the Holy Spirit convicting me. I have been a server for almost three years, and something like what happened to me Monday has only happened one or two other times before. Why is that?? It would be fair, and I would accept someone telling me that they have never thought about asking their server if they needed prayer for anything because, I myself, have never thought of it. However, it is not an excuse anymore. Those girls challenged me to begin doing that. They challenged me to begin doing what I should have been doing all along.

James 5:16 - "Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

1 Thessalonians 5:17 - "Pray without ceasing."

1 Timothy 2:8 -"I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting."

Now I challenge all of you! You've heard of the Drive Thru Difference, right? Ya know, paying for the person behind you in the drive thru line? That movement/challenge is being done everyday across the country! I want to make this a movement!! When you go out to eat, be sure to get the name of your server. (Trust me, hearing "Miss" or "Waitress" gets old after a while, and we don't often answer to it because there are several other misses and waitresses around) When your food is brought out and before you begin chowing down, let them know you are going to pray for the food and would like to know if there is anything they would like you to pray for! Believe me, they will be stunned silent for a while, but encourage them by saying something like, "It can be anything! Big or small!" Let them know you're serious about it. Be sure to also leave a tract or business card with your church's info on it. Lastly, and kind of unrelated but not really, leave an appropriate tip. Don't think that because you prayed for them it should be less of a tip. You don't know how many times I hear that the "church crowds" don't tip. That is a stereotype on Christians that should not be there! Now, if the server doesn't do his/her job properly take that into consideration, but don't, under any circumstances, stiff them. Servers will be more likely to read the tract or perhaps even visit your church if you were nice and rewarded their service.

So how about it?? Are you willing to help me make this out of the ordinary act become something common and extraordinary?!?! Let's show people that Christians do care, one dining experience at a time!!!

Until next time,
Ammer Hammer

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