Monday, May 13, 2013

Turn that frown upside down! (:

"So I'll learn to love these days
Life along the way
In the middle of the crazy
God Your love is so amazing
Through the ups and downs
You're the only hope I found, oh
Lord You meet me in the madness
So I'll learn to love these days
I'll learn to love these days"           <- watch="">

"It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile" We've all heard it at least once in our lives, but it got me thinking. If it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile, I bet it takes a heck of a lot more energy and breath to complain and be negative than it does to be encouraging and positive. I was talking to a close friend of mine the other day. I know she is the closest friend I have because she told me that some of my posts on my Facebook were whiny and dramatic. (Who really has the guts to say that but a close friend??) Well, she was absolutely right! I have no problem admitting that it is true. It was her statement that sparked the idea for this blog. It was also her comment and the above song that stirred the Holy Spirit's conviction.

The Bible warns several times about the sin of complaining:
Philippians 2:14, "Do all things without murmurings and disputings."
 Ephesians 4:29, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." 
Numbers 11:1, "And [when] the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard [it]; and his anger was kindled;" 
And honestly, how many of us have gotten so put out with the Israelites while reading Exodus?? They grumbled so much, it is annoying!..... but then how annoying is it for other people to hear us complain, when the reality of the situation is we have AC and chocolate!! More importantly, how displeasing and annoying is it to the Lord who chooses to wake us up every morning? How angry does it make Him when He has blessed us more than we could have ever thought possible, but we only choose to acknowledge the negative or pain in our lives??

I opened this blog with the chorus from the song, "These Days" by Mandisa. (Definitely check this girl out!!) If you watched the video (you should have!! If not, go. NOW!) the first verse talks about everyday things that have a tendency to put us in a bad mood (not being able to find our phone, traffic, sit ups etc.); but then she says, "Funny what you use to help me grow." When I first heard that line, I stopped. Never in my life had I considered those things to be sent from God to be growing experiences, but that is exactly what they are! 

In closing, a song combined with the blunt honesty from a friend were things I needed. I think y'all have figured out by now that not complaining is definitely something I intend to work on!! I didn't write this to guilt trip people (but if you do feel guilty, that would be the Holy Spirit's doing). I wrote this because I know I am not perfect, and I will most likely slip up a few, OK more than a few, times. I need to be kept accountable, and y'all have my permission to do so. I no longer want to say, post, or even think anything that is negative or discouraging. I have been blessed with a beautiful life! It's time that statement stays in the front of my mind and is reflected in everything I say and do.

Until next time,
Ammer Hammer

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